Adjust Your Take Action Email Preferences

You received this email because you agreed to hear from The Nation magazine’s Take Action program, either through a petition or by signing up directly. A progressive, independent news source, The Nation uses Take Action to connect readers to actions related to the issues the magazine covers.

There are two types of Take Action emails: Take Action and Take Action Now. Below you will find descriptions of each email, along with the option to sign up for or unsubscribe from either. You can also unsubscribe from both emails while still receiving all other emails you are signed up for from The Nation.

Take Action

The Nation partners with organizers across the country to launch online actions to help our readers take action on the issues we cover. Campaigns usually involve petitions, letters to politicians, or phone calls. We’ll also let you know when our campaigns connect to offline actions, such as petition deliveries. Sent as they happen.

Take Action Now

Three actions you can take each week above-and-beyond petition signing. Every email includes actions curated by our editors that involve time commitments ranging from five minutes to many days, so you can Take Action Now, whatever your schedule. Sent every Tuesday.
